The construction of the new building, which houses the water treatment equipment, is nearing completion, with drywall completed and painting well underway. The finishing work in the office areas will be starting in December, while the electrical and mechanical contractors will be continuing in the process areas and chemical rooms with all the piping and equipment installations. The new 500,000-gallon precast concrete storage tank for the facility was completed in October and is ready for water testing. All underground piping is complete on site with the exception of the tie-ins to the existing wells and storage tank. The other critical portion of the project that is complete is the design and installation of a new well on the site to augment the three existing wells. This new well has been drilled to a depth of over 75 feet below grade and has successfully been tested to produce water at 1000 GPM.
Most of the water treatment equipment has been delivered. The equipment includes five centrifugal water pumps, three 25-foot long horizontal pressure filters used for iron removal, an on-site sodium hydrochlorite generation system, and other chemical equipment and tanks. Portions of the reverse osmosis system that has been installed include the pretreatment cartridge filters, pumps, and the cleaning system. The membrane skids of the RO system will be arriving this month from the manufacturer in Florida. Once everything is installed and piping completed, the equipment, piping, and the water storage tank will be sanitized and testing will be started. The existing water treatment plant will need to stay operational during this test period until the new systems prove themselves out, and then the old plant will be decommissioned, the building demolished, and final site work completed.
Most of the water treatment equipment has been delivered. The equipment includes five centrifugal water pumps, three 25-foot long horizontal pressure filters used for iron removal, an on-site sodium hydrochlorite generation system, and other chemical equipment and tanks. Portions of the reverse osmosis system that has been installed include the pretreatment cartridge filters, pumps, and the cleaning system. The membrane skids of the RO system will be arriving this month from the manufacturer in Florida. Once everything is installed and piping completed, the equipment, piping, and the water storage tank will be sanitized and testing will be started. The existing water treatment plant will need to stay operational during this test period until the new systems prove themselves out, and then the old plant will be decommissioned, the building demolished, and final site work completed.