Erhardt Construction News Blog

Thursday, September 9, 2010

ArtPRIZE INSTALLATION - September 9, 2010

Erhardt Construction has been installing WaterPrize, a 20 foot x 16 foot stencil painting that will exhibit at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum during this year's ArtPrize event. The artwork is the creation of Johnny Clauson, Jon Bell and Kris McNeil. Installation is taking place at the edge of the reflecting pool in front of the museum.

The artists hope to call attention to the fact that one in eight people in the world today do not have access to clean water. In addition to the artwork featuring two children holding yellow jerry cans, jerry cans marked with current global water facts and statistics will float in the reflecting pool. For more information, please visit

Erhardt Construction is pleased to be part of the installation, along with JDH Engineering and the artistic team.