Erhardt Construction News Blog

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


The new Water Treatment Plant for the City of Allegan consists of a new 10,000 SF reverse osmosis softening plant, a new 500,000-gallon precast water storage tank, a new well, various site improvements, and the demolition of the existing water treatment plant after the new facility is on line. The new plant is scheduled to be complete in January 2011, with final retrofitting of the existing structures and site work completed in June.

Currently, the majority of the underground water piping has been completed, existing lime storage ponds removed and filled, the building site brought up to grade with footings and trenches poured, and the mechanical and electrical underground rough-ins completed.
Work in the coming months will focus on the building structure. Process piping and equipment work will be started soon after the roof is complete, and the construction of the precast storage tank will start in early summer.