Erhardt completed the commissioning of new gravity thickener equipment and demolished an existing digester structure that is no longer needed. We have completed a majority of the underground piping modifications, installed all new underground power duct-banks, retrofitted the existing equalization basin with new equipment and blowers, and constructed a new concrete aeration tank.
Various building additions have also been underway. The blower building addition, which was roughed in earlier this fall, now has all the equipment and piping installed. Painting and finish work is underway as well. The maintenance building has been completed and the owner is moving equipment out of the old plant in advance of the scheduled demolition of that building. The addition to the north of the administration building is complete except for flooring and some finish work, and Erhardt crews are framing in the south addition for enclosure.
Various building additions have also been underway. The blower building addition, which was roughed in earlier this fall, now has all the equipment and piping installed. Painting and finish work is underway as well. The maintenance building has been completed and the owner is moving equipment out of the old plant in advance of the scheduled demolition of that building. The addition to the north of the administration building is complete except for flooring and some finish work, and Erhardt crews are framing in the south addition for enclosure.