Erhardt Construction News Blog

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

PROJECT UPDATE - Amway World Headquarters

Erhardt Construction is renovating Amway Corporation’s World Headquarters in Ada, Michigan. The 21,000-square foot project includes interior renovation of the main lobby, auditorium, meeting rooms, clerestory gallery and adjoining spaces. The renovation is divided into three phases to allow Amway to maintain day-to-day operations.

Erhardt Construction is self-performing concrete, rough and finish carpentry, doors, hardware and selective demolition.

This is a fast-paced construction project to be completed in time for Amway’s Fiftieth Anniversary in January 2009. It requires all of Erhardt’s Lean Construction principles to deliver the renovated World Headquarters with high quality and on time.

PROJECT UPDATE - Ottawa County 911 Central Dispatch

Erhardt is constructing the new 911 facility for the Ottawa County Central Dispatch Authority. 911 Central Dispatch provides one point of contact for all emergency situations in Ottawa County, Michigan. It is staffed 24 hours a day to ensure that calls are responded to as quickly as possible. The Authority provides emergency communication for all police, fire, and EMS agencies in Ottawa County.

Groundbreaking of the 17,000-square foot dispatch center took place in May 2008. Completion is scheduled for early spring of 2009.

Monday, August 18, 2008

PROJECT UPDATE - Grand Valley Regional Biosolids Authority Dewatering Facility

The Grand Valley Regional Biosolids Authority is a cooperative effort of the cities of Grand Rapids and Wyoming, Michigan, to manage their municipal wastewater biosolids. The Authority has begun construction of a biosolids processing facility which includes pipeline linkage, storage, and dewatering of the biosolids. The facility will be constructed in four segments.

Erhardt is constructing the dewatering facility, which is the fourth and final segment of the project. Construction started April 2008 and will be complete by August 2009.

The project is designed for U.S. Green Building Council LEED™ certification.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

PROJECT UPDATE - Holland Home Breton Ridge-In The Woods

This extension of Holland Home’s Breton Terrace campus is the latest addition to their senior independent living community and includes a prestigious seven-story, 303,000 SF facility constructed in two phases.

Phase I includes the construction of 123 resident condos, underground parking, and campus community space. Community spaces include a chapel, exercise room, dining facility, and a retail store where light refreshments, such as ice cream or a cup of cappuccino can be enjoyed. There is also a billiards room and a library.

With the construction of Phase II, an additional wing will provide 92 resident condos. Currently, the third floor of this wing is under construction and will be completed by Febuary 27, 2009.


The former Roger's Department Store in Wyoming, Michigan, is the new home of Klingman's furniture store. Erhardt Construction began demotion of the 160,000-square foot facility in the spring of 2008. The renovation project was completed at the end of August 2008.


Erhardt Construction began the fact-track renovation of The Sharpe Collection’s facilities in southeast Grand Rapids, creating a new dealer showroom for the BMW-MINI line of cars. New interior finishes and an exterior glass façade are the major portions of the project. Erhardt trades people made quick work of demolition of the existing surfaces to be replaced. The project was completed September 15, 2008.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Erhardt Honored with West Michigan Environmental Action Council Award

Erhardt Construction Company was recognized by the West Michigan Environmental Action Council (WMECA) for their consistent and devoted time to preserving and protecting our area waterways. Through WMEAC’s Adopt-A-Stream program, Erhardt was named "Group Of The Year."

The West Michigan Environmental Action Council has three key areas of focus: building sustainable communities, protecting our water, and promoting ecologically restorative institutions and organizations. Erhardt Construction shares WMEAC’s cause to protect and improve Kent County waterways through their volunteer involvement.

Erhardt Starts New Facility Solutions Operation - Short duration, flexible construction approach

Erhardt Construction is excited to introduce Facility Solutions, a new service group that assists clients through the life cycle of their building. Facility Solutions is a separate operating unit within Erhardt Construction and another tool available to clients to meet their construction needs.

Facility Solutions is the link for owners to maintain and alter their building as needs change throughout its life cycle. From minor repairs to space alterations to small building additions, Erhardt Construction’s Facility Solutions is the answer. Erhardt can manage any construction project no matter the size or complexity.

The Facility Solutions Group offers substantial benefits:
- Flexible scheduling to meet a client’s time constraints
- Limited interruption to a client’s ongoing operations
- Green building and sustainable practices during construction to maintain a healthy environment

Erhardt understands that business does not stop for a construction project. Through flexible scheduling and a mind toward ongoing operations, Facility Solutions enables clients to keep performing their day-to-day business without interruption. Our focus on sustainability and green building practices ensures that construction is not a source of dust, noise, or odor that will interfere with productivity and well-being.

Facility Solutions helps clients meet their facility needs, right from the start. Our experienced personnel will conduct a walk-through to address any facility concerns. For more information regarding Erhardt Construction’s Facility Solutions, please contact Matt Smith directly at (616) 825-2903.

All of Erhardt’s Project Management and Estimating Staff are LEED® Accredited

Awareness and growth of sustainability and green building has greatly increased over the past eight years. Our country’s building sectors, especially education, government, institutional, office and healthcare, are expected to have green building growth of 45% or more. Every business day, $464 million worth of construction registers with the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED Rating System. Erhardt strongly endorses the concepts and logic of building sustainable projects to address environmental issues today and make a better world for tomorrow.

To better service our clients with their LEED construction projects, Erhardt’s project management staff and estimators are all LEED-accredited by the U.S. Green Building Council. All staff have successfully completed their accreditation and demonstrated their understanding of green building practices and principles and LEED requirements established by the USGBC.

Erhardt’s accredited professionals include:
Keith Vandenbergh - Vice President-Estimating
Ben Wickstrom, PE - Vice President-Construction Operations
Stan Elenbaas - Estimator
Craig Schroeder - Project Engineer
Brianne Fisher - Project Manager
Bob Simpson - Project Manager
Keith Strating - Project Manager
Marc Felt - Assistant Project Manager

With our key pre-construction and construction team members accredited,
Erhardt can best serve clients with their sustainability and LEED project goals.